ITMI’s Lazarus Yezinai has found that sports are an effective way to reach at-risk youth who have joined gangs in Juba, South Sudan. He operates six soccer clubs or teams in six different areas of the city…
How the Lord Changed 3 Lives Using ITMI’s Vicky Waraka
Roy was in her mid-fifties when her son was stabbed by his brother and died on the way to the hospital. Later that year, she lost her husband. Then to pile pain upon suffering…
She Lived Her Whole Life in Juba, South Sudan. Now She’s Going to India.
ITMI’s Vicky Waraka doesn’t have any biological children of her own. But in South Sudan, there are so many children in need of homes, that she has taken in children in need.
3 Haunting Stories You Can Help Change
Fear rose inside his chest as Bilal ducked under the door of his home – a mud hut where his family was squatting. At night, he still woke in a fearful sweat, remembering what happened the last time he and his brother had come home empty-handed.
How South Sudan Supporters are Helping Traumatized Families
Dorca is a widow in Juba, South Sudan. The pressure and responsibility of providing for her children had been unceremoniously dumped on her shoulders. It was up to her – and the Lord. It wasn’t like she could just go get a job. How would she keep these children entrusted to her alive?
Hungry and Impoverished Returning Refugees Want One Thing: “Teach us more from God’s Word!”
What would you do if you found yourself living in a war-zone? If you regularly saw your neighbors’ homes pierced with bullet holes? If you didn’t feel safe in your home but felt even more at-risk outside of it. If the threat of tribal violence threatened your children?
Dear Team: Facing (What Seems like) Giant Limitations
ITMI’s Jahim and Gisma Buli, in Juba, South Sudan are facing the “giants” in their world. Jahim is being persecuted by other believers because…