Featured Project
Kelly and Cherise Smith

Share Jesus and shine hope into the darkness of Animism and witchcraft among the Zulu people through community evangelistic outreaches and equipping Zulu believers for their calling.
South Africa Projects
7 Rivers Outreach

Your gift supports the 7 Rivers team as they make disciples among the Zulu tribe in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
Bibles and Bikes Fund

The Bibles and Bikes Fund goes to directly purchase bibles and bikes for ITMI partner, Charl van Wyk to deliver, empowering African evangelists and pastors to share Christ and disciple more people within their newly-expanded reach.
Charl van Wyk

Reach youth in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo with the Gospel, disciple them in Biblical living and empower them to reach others through community development projects.
Education for Underserved Communities Project

Intervene in the cycle of poverty by providing youth in impoverished informal settlements and squatters’ camps tutoring and educational services that greatly improve a student’s chances of completing grade 12 and afford the opportunity for a caring, godly believer to build a relationship with them.
Kelly and Cherise Smith

Share Jesus and shine hope into the darkness of Animism and witchcraft among the Zulu people through community evangelistic outreaches and equipping Zulu believers for their calling.
Mark and Cindi Parris

Come alongside a godly shepherd leading God’s people in outreach and discipleship in Durbanville, South Africa and nearby impoverished, informal settlements.
Onseepkans Mission

Reach the remote and marginalized farming community of Onseepkans through development projects, community outreaches and personal relationships.
Stone Hill

Equip South African believers to share Jesus and his hope with impoverished families living in an informal squatters camp called Stone Hill.