“We cannot thank our ITMI friends enough for blessing our suffering neighbors, with warmth this winter!” …
Primrose has not only endured the loss of her husband and children but has also taken on the immense responsibility of raising her grandchildren. Every day, she bravely faces the challenge of securing food and water for them, a task that many of us can hardly fathom. …
Your gifts are enabling our partner, Charl van Wyk, to organize two outreaches using the provision of blankets. …
Follow Steve’s travels in DR Congo, Zambia, and South Africa! (Spring 2024)
Our partners in Stone Hill are pleased to report the family has moved into their new home!
In 2021, among Covid restrictions and all, ITMI Director Steve Evers, traveled across the world to…
It's well-known among Christian workers in Africa that the church there is "an inch deep and a mile wide."
Without access to books and written materials, many believers don't even own their own Bible!
And their pastor might not, either.
In fact, though incredibly sincere, he may have only been saved recently himself!
Without discipleship or examples of how a life is lived in light of God's Word and truth, it isn't unheard of for someone to become saved and simply continue old religious customs and ways of life while changing the name of the deity to "Jesus."
Charl's ministry seeks to establish kingdom-focused, Biblical communities that live for Jesus and reach the lost for Him. Charl proactively educates the Church and seeks to renew minds with a Biblical worldview.
Charl and his team are praying and working toward building a generation of young, Christ-centered, Gospel-driven servant leaders who are equipped to take action in a broken world.

Reaches and Equips Marginalized Youth for Christ
Reaches and Equips Marginalized Youth for Christ
Your support helps Charl reach youth in Africa with the Gospel and equip them to live for Christ through outreaches and youth ministries.

Multiplies the Ministry of African Believers
Multiplies the Ministry of African Believers
Your support helps Charl work with faithful, godly african believers, leaders and pastors enhancing their ability to reach people for Jesus.
In 1993, Charl was worshipping with his church on a Sunday when terrorists entered the building and opened gunfire on the congregation. This incident later became known as the St. James Massacre.
Charl used his firearm to return fire, valiantly protecting those around him. Surprised by someone shooting back at them, the attack was diffused quickly and many lives were saved.
Charl received a citation from General Acker of the South African Police for his courage under fire.
Charl's courage and subsequent graciousness toward his attackers has yielded him several opportunities to witness to his attackers - he even got to share God's good news about forgiveness at one of their conventions!
Several of the leaders of this terrorist group received Christ as a result of their relationship with Charl.
Charl explains and demonstrates God's forgiveness at a conference full of terrorists who attacked his church.
Charl shares Jesus with the terrorists who once attacked his church.
Charl offering forgiveness and a Bible to one of the men who attacked his church.
Charl shares this story in his book, Shooting Back - The Right and Duty of Self-Defense.
Shooting Back - The Right and Duty of Self-Defense
by Charl van Wyk
The distinct staccato of automatic fire from assault rifles—followed by scattered screams—shattered the silence of the Sunday evening service.
A band of terrorists burst into the sanctuary and began executing, with icy effectiveness, their heinous plans of mass murder.
As the pastor of Durbanville Community Church in a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa, ITMI’s Mark Parris likely receives a lot of text messages.
But this one was urgent. …
Teens in the informal township of Stone Hill, South Africa, face difficult home lives and poverty. Many face broken families and relationships, parents that work long hours or are drunk most of the time. …
“You have the choice!” the high school principal bellowed. “Either you replace the SD card you stole, or you leave the school and don’t return.” Siya, 14, walked away from the school and never returned to class. …
ITMI supporters helped our partner, Charl van Wyk, and his team provide care packages with Basic Necessities for widows in Gwayi River, Zimbabwe. …
Cozmore gazed into the distance and couldn’t believe what he saw. “Maybe,” he thought, “my eyes are deceiving me!” What he saw was
“I have not had the privilege of owning a towel since my husband was alive…”