We couldn’t do what we do without you, our supporters. This is just one small way we can say, “Thank you!” Each month, we feature one beautiful photo from Steve with a convenient calendar of that month for you to set as your desktop photo. July’s was taken in a rural Ukrainian village of Romanian-speakers when Steve travelled there with Adi Ban earlier this year.
Archives for June 2016
Where the Road Less Travelled Led
Marcin (pronounced march-in) and his best friend were, in Marcin’s own words “not good guys.” But their lives were about to be turned inside out.
No, I Am Not God…or a Witch Doctor.
When he first arrived at their home in the center of Juba, South Sudan, the family thought ITMI’s Jahim Buli was a witch doctor.
Could You Adopt a Widow for $50 a month?
Bethesda Home is a great testimony to the unsaved staff and extended Romanian families that see first-hand the difference between Bethesda’s quality of care and what would happen in a state-run elderly care facility. We are looking for 100 supporters to adopt a widow for $50 per month.
Teaching Kids to Shovel Compost…and Really Love it!
As you can see from these photos, the kids not only love it, they are focused on their work proud of their accomplishments!
Why the Completion of the Stone Hill Ministry Facility Means So Much (Video)
It’s exhilarating to see something great accomplished. Especially when that something is a big endeavor, the kind only God can pull off. The kind that truly makes the world a better place. And that’s what makes today’s news such cause for celebration.
Dear Team: Why Piotr Zaremba is Anxious and My Visit to Eastern Europe
Greetings! I’m fresh off an extended trip to Poland, Romania and Ukraine. We have a lot of great stories of what God is doing in Eastern Europe with Bible translations, street evangelism, homeless ministry, orphans, widow care and forgotten people discipleship.
5 Ways We Are Influencing a Community and Building Trust
“When we came to Onseepkans, the Lord gave me a portion of Scripture over and over again,” ITMI’s Gerhard le Roux said in a recent interview.
Introducing New ITMI Partner, Johan Leach
Johan is hard to forget after you meet him for the first time. He is one of ITMI’s newest partners and his passion and current ministry is to…