This summer, several of the children in the care of ITMI’s Casa Dorca Children’s Home will have the opportunity to attend Christian summer camps! Attending summer camp isn’t an opportunity many children staying at a rural children’s home in Romania would experience.
For a while now, the government has been sending some children and young people to Casa Dorca that are on their “last chance” because of their rebellious behavior - the court offered them the choice between penal containment and Casa Dorca.
Casa Dorca has proven to be a place that really helps transform the lives of hurting and broken young people.
Think of what going to summer camp might mean to these kids who may never have been blessed with such an opportunity!
This is one of the many reasons Casa Dorca is so special. Children are treated like members of a family and given as many “normal” life experiences as possible. Your support helps accomplish this, and it’s yielding fruit.
At the end of July, our partners at Casa Dorca Children’s Home in Romania celebrated the baptism of two teenagers in their care!
Casa Dorca Director, Ionel Lovescu, asks, “Pray that God would continue to work in their lives and mold them into who He wants them to be. Pray also that they would be a positive influence on the other kids at Casa Dorca and in the community and that they would see the love of God in them.”
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As June comes to a close, the youth at ITMI’s Casa Dorca Children’s Home finish their school year and officially kick off their summer. …
“It blew my mind what God had done in such a short period of time.”…
Giorgiana came to Casa Dorca Children’s Home when she was 14 years old. …
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