We've got a lot to be thankful for.
Because of Jesus, we are not left in a state of eternal sin and despair. Because of Jesus, we don't face the penalty for our rebellion. Because of Jesus, we are changed people - people whose desires line up with His.
And so, because of His death on the cross, resurrection and gift of His Spirit - the thing we are MOST thankful for - we are thankful for these 25 things.
25 of the Many Things We are Thankful For This Year
1.ITMI celebrated 35 years of keeping you IN TOUCH.
2.Piotr Zaremba's Polish Bible Translation was published this year!
In addition to being a translator, Piotr is also known in Poland for his ability to explain the Bible and help others believe they can, too!
3.Many lives turned around through the New Life Center in Poland, and the amazing testimonies of residents Jacek, Henryk and others.
4.Our Clean, Safe Water project was re-activated after a logistical hiatus, and 5 more villages got access to clean safe water, heard the gospel and other gifts of love.
The new borehole in one of the 5 villages that most recently received access to clean, safe water!
5.Adi and Ema Ban formed a second Young Couples' Fellowship in Romania, expanding their reach and discipleship.
6.Big changes in Stone Hill as people give their lives to Christ, including the 13 Soldiers for Christ.
Stone Hill's "Soldiers for Christ."
7. Mission Bible Church, planted by the students at our International School of Missions, expanded the piggery they were meeting in making room for those who wish to worship in Kampala, Uganda.
Mission Bible Church meets on the campus of ITMI's International School of Missions.
8.Bread of Life and Gniezno Baptist Church launched "Day of New Chances" in Gniezno, meeting the needs of the homeless.
9.New believers reported all over the world.
10.Charl van Wyk and other co-laborers put on youth camps for village boys in Zimbabwe and South Africa, changing these young men forever.
Charl van Wyk with young men from a rural village who attended the camp in Zimbabwe.
11.Adi and Ema Ban's Young Couples' Fellowship group reached out to those less fortunate near them in Ukraine.
12.Charl van Wyk was able to raise funds for a maize mill to help a ministry and bless a struggling village in Zimbabwe.
13.Daniel Machlowski married his (now) wife, Blueberry, joining forces in ministry. He shared Jesus with a man he met on their honeymoon and helped him plug in to a local church. The couple continues their lifestyle of discipleship in Poland.
14. Hundreds heard the gospel through Paul and Molly's sports ministry in India.
Paul shares the gospel with the families of the sports ministry youth at the award ceremony night.
15.God's divine intervention and protection on behalf of our partners in war-torn South Sudan.
16.The le Roux family's influence with children in Onseepkans expanded through teaching gardening and their weekly kids' club.
Talitha le Roux teaches the children of Onseepkans to grow nutritious food.
17.The ministry facility at Stone Hill was finished when the courtyard between the three containers was covered, enabling covered church services and game night outreaches.
18.ITMI welcomed a new partner, Johan Leach into the family. Johan ran with our clean water project and oversaw the installation of 5 new wells, and is providing on-the-gound follow up and discipleship throughout the Barotse Plains.
Johan Leach shares the gospel with villagers in Zambia who just received access to clean, safe water.
19.Paul and Molly's corner store, opened to provide employment for widows who can't find it elsewhere, was able to provide disaster relief when flooding cut many off from food and supplies.
Molly with some of the store's employees.
20.Gospel Joy expanded into some new cities by training local leaders to disciple anyone interested in learning more about the joy of a relationship with Jesus after the Gospel Music Workshops. Many heard the gospel and many joined Word Zones all over Poland!
21.Muhindo Kawede taught a Portable Bible School class during his term break in a rural village, opening eyes, preventing cons that depend on shoddy doctrine and leading several to commit their lives to Christ.
22.Two boys living on their own in Stone Hill were blessed by a new shack after theirs burned to the ground.
The boys' shack burned to the ground in the middle of the night.
23.Jim LaRose continues to be offered a place and voice into the lives of young men in or aged out of the Polish foster-care system.
24.Timothy Keller discipleship and materials to rural villages in Zambia. He also spoke in several police precincts about law enforcement from a Biblical worldview.
Timothy after a seminar with a police precinct.
25.YOU! It's your partnership that has accomplished all this!
About the Authors
About the Author
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.